2017-18 Research Portfolio Summary
2017-18 Research Portfolio Summary

June 5, 2018

The Lupus Research Alliance is driven by one central goal — to improve the lives of people living with the disease, today and in the long term. We believe that scientific research is the most powerful way we can achieve this goal. Further, we believe that by both pushing the limits of scientific exploration and shepherding new discoveries as they evolve into potential treatments, we can best seize every opportunity to impact the lives of those with lupus.

The Lupus Research Alliance aims to transform treatment while advancing toward a cure by funding the most innovative lupus research in the world. The organization’s stringent peer review grant process fosters diverse scientific talent who are driving discovery toward better diagnostics, improved treatments and ultimately a cure for lupus.

Our strategy is a coordinated effort — one that leverages resources and fosters collaboration to avoid duplication of effort and inefficiency. The Lupus Research Alliance advances under one roof the full spectrum of innovation across fundamental and translational research to clinical trials. The end goal — to speed new treatments, prevention and a cure to lupus patients.

Each Lupus Research Alliance Research Portfolio Summary (RPS) reports every current scientific research investigation that is funded by the organization in a particular year. As of 2017, the organization had funded $182 million in lupus research programs, leading to key discoveries that are improving diagnosis and treatment while pushing closer to prevention and a cure. Our grant program is comprehensive, providing opportunities to pursue the most novel ideas as well as to advance proven approaches to improving treatment. The three grant mechanisms are: the Dr. William E. Paul Distinguished Innovator Award in Lupus and Autoimmunity; Target Identification in Lupus (TIL) Grant program; and Novel Research Grants.


Download the full Research Portfolio Summary here >

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