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Other Ways to Give

The PA Fund for Patient Advocacy at the Lupus Research Alliance was founded by our dear friend and supporter, Patti Allen in her determination to help others sharing the journey of lupus. Its mission is to educate and support patients, along with their families, by increasing awareness of the disease and improving communication among healthcare providers and the general public. The purpose of this fund is to support patient advocacy, education, and care for those suffering with lupus.


The PA Fund is a separate, restricted fund within the Lupus Research Alliance.


To read the PA Fund’s latest newsletter, click here.


To make a contribution directly to the PA Fund for Patient Advocacy, please click here.

How to Make Gifts of Securities


There are several significant benefits that can result from gifts of securities. With certain limitations, you can deduct the full fair market value of long-term appreciated securities—that is, securities you have owned for more than one year and that have increased in value. Thus you can give away appreciated property and usually avoid the tax on the gain. Here’s how:


If your Broker or Bank Holds your Securities


Call or write your broker and let them know that you want to make a gift of stock to the Lupus Research Alliance (Tax ID #58-2492929). Your broker will want to know the name of the stock(s) and the number of shares you are contributing.


After you have notified your broker, please call us at (212) 218-2840. We will need to know the name and telephone number of your broker, the name of the stock(s) and number of shares you are contributing. If requesting the transfer in writing, please mail a copy of the transfer request letter to the Lupus Research Alliance, 270 Madison Avenue, Suite 300, New York, NY, 10016.


Please remember that you don’t want to tell your broker to sell the stock and forward the proceeds to the Lupus Research Alliance. This will jeopardize your tax savings benefits. Stock should be transferred to the Lupus Research Alliance’s account. The Lupus Research Alliance will notify you with the dollar amount of your gift based on the date the transfer is completed. Gift value is based on the average of the stock’s high and low price on the day of transfer.


Brokerage Account for DTC Eligible Securities


The Lupus Research Alliance maintains an account with Morgan Stanley. Make sure to provide your broker with the following account information when requesting a stock transfer. Then, please call us at 212-218-2840 to confirm your request.


Broker: Morgan Stanley
Account Number: 876-027127-622
DTC #: 0015
Account Name: Lupus Research Alliance Inc.


For More Information:


For more information concerning ways to support the Lupus Research Alliance, please contact us.
Phone: 212-218-2840
Fax: 212-218-2848
E-mail: info@lupusresearch.org

This tool will allow you to find your company, request a matching gift form and in many cases submit it electronically. It is the easiest way to INCREASE YOUR GIFT!!


If you cannot find your employer using this tool, request a matching gift form from your employer, and send it completed and signed with or without your gift. We will do the rest. The impact of your gift to this organization may be doubled or possibly tripled! Some companies match gifts made by retirees and/or spouses.


Many employers sponsor matching gift programs and will match any charitable contributions made by their employees. To find out if your company has a matching gift policy, please enter your employer’s name below.


Donors can give to the Lupus Research Alliance through a workplace Payroll Deduction program. Workplace giving is convenient for donors, and allows the Lupus Research Alliance to spend less time fundraising and more time working to improve the lives of those touched by lupus.


Payroll Deductions may be taken one time from an employee’s paycheck, or may be recurring deductions over multiple pay periods.


Check with your Human Resources Department to see whether the Lupus Research Alliance is already included in your company’s list of recipient organizations. If your workplace runs its giving program in conjunction with a United Way Campaign, your Human Resources Department should be able to tell you whether the Lupus Research Alliance is one of their designated charities as well.


Contact our office at info@lupusresearch.org or 800-867-1743 if you need more information about designating your Payroll Deduction to the Lupus Research Alliance.

Every fall, federal employees are encouraged to participate in the CFC and allocate a portion of their paycheck to a pre-approved charity. The Lupus Research Alliance is very proud to be one of the charities approved for this program.

That means anyone who works for the federal government, military or U.S. Postal Service can designate $10, $20, or any portion of their biweekly paycheck as a pre-tax donation to the Lupus Research Alliance’s fight against lupus.

The Combined Federal Campaign, or CFC, the world’s largest and most successful annual workplace charity campaign. The CFC is an opportunity for all U.S. federal employees to support non-profit organizations providing health and human service benefits. Through the CFC, government workers can support the Lupus Research Alliance through payroll deductions.

Designate your CFC contribution to the Lupus Research Alliance by using our CFC code number – #37283.

If you are a federal, postal, or military employee and would like to give to the Lupus Research Alliance through the CFC, please enter CFC code #37283 on your pledge card during the next campaign season, September 1st to December 15th. Your contribution to the Lupus Research Alliance will directly support lupus research.

To learn more about CFC, visit the CFC Web site at: www.opm.gov/cfc.

To donate to the Lupus Research Alliance through the CFC, click here: https://cfcgiving.opm.gov/offerings.

CARS™ accepts car donations for Lupus Research Alliance.


To donate your car, truck, RV, boat, motorcycle, or other vehicle to Lupus Research Alliance, please click here.

A will is the easiest and most effective means to ensure that you fully provide for your family and that your assets are distributed as you wish. Gifts by will, or bequests, both large and small, are very important to the Lupus Research Alliance. A bequest through your will provides much needed support for lupus research.


You may bequeath a gift to the Lupus Research Alliance in the form of a dollar amount, a specific property, a percentage of your estate, or what remains after your loved ones have been provided for. Bequests to the Lupus Research Alliance are entirely free from federal estate tax, and there is no limit on the amount you can leave to the Lupus Research Alliance in your will. 100% of all donations (in dollars) to the Lupus Research Alliance support scientific research into the prevention, treatment and cure for lupus.


To make a bequest to the Lupus Research Alliance, the following language will be helpful to your lawyer:


“I give, devise, and bequest to the Lupus Research Alliance, Inc., a nonprofit 501(c)(3) Corporation, headquartered at 270 Madison Avenue, Suite 300, New York, NY 10016 USA, the sum of $_____ (or “the rest, residue and remainder of my estate”) to be used for lupus research.”


For more information, please send an email to info@lupusresearch.org or call us at 212-218-2840.

Planned giving is the process of donating a legacy gift. It is a contribution that is arranged in the present to be distributed at a future date. A planned gift is most often donated via a will or trust and is most often granted once the donor has passed away. Planned gifts make use of legal and tax strategies and/or financial products that usually require a donor to utilize the assistance of a professional.


For more information, please email plannedgiving@lupusresearch.org



A donor-advised fund, or DAF, is an investment account for supporting charitable organizations.

Contributing cash, securities, or other assets to a donor-advised fund at a nonprofit like the Lupus Research Alliance makes you eligible for a tax deduction.

The Lupus Research Alliance (LRA) is breaking through the “fog” of Neurospychiatric Lupus (NPSLE) by supporting research to address this complication of lupus and by supporting a clinical study testing a specific treatment approach.


But to gain a deeper understanding of what’s going on in the brain, it’s critical to look at human brain tissue. Many groundbreaking discoveries have been made in other fields like autism, Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s by studying brain tissue from deceased individuals with these diseases. Now we want to do the same in lupus!


So, the LRA is asking people with lupus to make one of the most meaningful contributions to advance our understanding of NPSLE. Please consider donating your brain to lupus research upon your passing. The LRA has worked with the Harvard Brain Tissue Resource Center (HBTRC) to develop the Lupus Brain Bank to recover donated brains from deceased individuals with lupus.


Click here to read more about the LRA Brain Bank Program.  You can also call (646)-884-6084 or email us at brainbank@lupusresearch.org

The LRA now accepts crypto currency donations. Please click the link below to donate.

Donate to the LRA with Crypto Currency

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