Just a year ago, lupus remained a relatively unknown disorder outside of the community living with the disease and those dedicated to treating it. Now, however, a pandemic caused by a novel coronavirus has also raised a broader need to understand a hyper-responsive immune system – a question the Lupus Research Alliance exists to answer. In the midst of COVID-19, so much can be learned, not only from our research, but from those living with lupus and their loved ones.

This year, we turned the tables to launch a new campaign called Learn from Lupus to share what the lupus community, the researchers, and the LRA can teach the rest of the world in this COVID-19 reality and beyond.

A Message from Kenneth M. Farber, President & CEO

Dear Friends,

As the world struggles to defeat the coronavirus, there is much that can be learned from the lupus community – people already living with a disease that requires extra safeguards against infection. We can also learn a lot from researchers already focusing on why the immune system malfunctions, and rheumatologists who battle the over-zealous immune response that characterizes autoimmune diseases like lupus.

To bring those lessons to the fore where lupus and COVID-19 intersect, we developed a new campaign called Learn From Lupus. Around this theme, we feature many opportunities for education, research updates and heightened lupus awareness in the midst of COVID-19 and beyond.

Let’s use it as an unparalleled moment to celebrate the power of science, show your strength, and impart the many lessons you can share. As this inspiring video eloquently voices, when we come together with the full force of the lupus community, we can “not just survive, but thrive.

Warmest Wishes for Your Health and Safety,

Kenneth M. Farber
President & CEO
Lupus Research Alliance

Click here for letter in Spanish

Click here to begin learning from lupus.

The LRA thanks the following companies for their generous support



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July 14, 2022 The booster dose of the SARS-CoV-2 vaccine significantly enhanced  the degree of protection from COVID-19 infections...

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