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You searched for: lupus nephritis
Results found: 176

A Tough Childhood Linked to Poor Adult Health and Immune System Disorders Like Lupus

May 9, 2019 New study results published in Arthritis Care & Research found that “adverse childhood experiences” are more common among people with lupus. In the University of California San Francisco study, adverse childhood experiences were categorized as abuse, neglect, and/or household challenges. Among people with lupus, 63.2 percent had at least one adverse childhood […]

Low-Dose Interleukin-2 Might be Effective for Lupus

September 24, 2019 Interleukin-2 at a low-dose may be effective in treating lupus, according to newly published results of a double-blind and placebo-controlled clinical trial. In this trial, 60 patients received either Interleukin-2 at a low dose of 1 million IU or placebo along with standard treatment for 12 weeks.  The primary endpoint – the […]

LuCIN Clinical Studies

The Lupus Clinical Investigators Network (LuCIN) is a North American-based lupus clinical trials network composed of fifty-seven (57) of the most reputable academic research medical centers in the world. LuCIN brings together the biopharmaceutical industry and lupus experts to evaluate the safety and effectiveness of new therapies for lupus. The investigators and other specialized personnel […]

LRA-Funded Researchers Share Important Discoveries at Largest Rheumatology Meeting

November 19, 2020 The Lupus Research Alliance supported an impressive number — 30+ — of studies presented at ACR Convergence 2020, this year’s meeting of the American College of Rheumatology. Each year, researchers are selected to share their discoveries in talks and poster sessions, allowing medical professionals to keep up to date with the latest […]

Research Partners

Collaboration is one of the cornerstones of the Lupus Research Alliance’s research philosophy. We strive to identify and engage partners across disciplines and sectors to accelerate foundational and translational research in lupus. We welcome new partnering opportunities. Please contact Teodora Staeva, Ph.D. (tstaeva@lupusresearch.org)

Our Progress

Advancing Scientific Breakthroughs to Date: Directly invested $259+ million in the most promising lupus research Awarded more than 560 grants supporting innovative lupus research and accelerated the pace of discovery Supported research that has contributed to the identification or further validation of at least 15 different disease pathways in lupus and has enabled the discovery, […]

Summary Highlights of Important Research Presented at ACR Convergence 2023

November, 2023 At the recent ACR Convergence 2023, the annual meeting of the American College of Rheumatology, important lupus clinical trial data and breakthrough foundational research were presented. Following are highlights of work funded by the Lupus Research Alliance or supported in partnership with industry through our clinical affiliate Lupus Therapeutics. CAR-T Cell Therapy is […]

Proliferative Lupus Nephritis

Inflammation of the kidneys caused by an autoimmune disease called systemic lupus erythematosus. The condition can cause hematuria and proteinuria, and it may progress to end-stage renal disease. The most severe form of lupus nephritis, called diffuse proliferative nephritis, can cause scars to form in the kidneys. Scars are permanent, and kidney function often declines […]

Dr. William E. Paul Distinguished Innovator Award (DIA)

The Dr. William E. Paul Distinguished Innovator Award ($1M over 4 years) provides outstanding scientists with substantial support to conduct novel research into the fundamental causes of systemic lupus erythematosus. If you are a researcher and would like to learn more about our funded research please click here.
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