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You searched for: lupus nephritis
Results found: 176

New Survey Shows Education and Communication Gaps in Lupus Nephritis Care

1 in 2 Lupus Nephritis Patients Don’t Know They Have Lupus New York, NY– December 7, 2020.  Significant gaps in education and communication among patients and physicians pose barriers to lupus nephritis (LN) care, according to results of two companion surveys conducted by the National Kidney Foundation (NKF) and the Lupus Research Alliance (LRA). Half […]

Lupus Therapeutics Expands Collaboration with Bristol-Myers Squibb to Test Potential Treatment for Lupus

New York, NY– June 27, 2019.  The Lupus Research Alliance (LRA) and its affiliate, Lupus Therapeutics, announced that it has broadened its collaboration with Bristol-Myers Squibb (BMS) to assess the investigational drug BMS-986165 as a potential new therapy for lupus nephritis (LN). This expands the existing collaboration in systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). Lupus nephritis refers […]

LRA-Funded Research Uncovers a Novel Pathway for Lupus Nephritis

January 28, 2022 The investigators from The Accelerated Medicines Partnership® Rheumatoid Arthritis and Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (AMP® RA/SLE) Program, in collaboration with Drs. Chaim Putterman from the Albert Einstein College of Medicine and Chandra Mohan from the University of Houston, and the biotechnology company Equillium have discovered an immune pathway that plays an important role […]

Lupus Research Alliance Announces Four New Recipients of the Lupus Mechanisms and Targets Award

Winning projects will explore new potential treatment approaches to prevent lupus from developing or prevent or slow disease progression. New York, NY, April 20, 2023. The Lupus Research Alliance (LRA) today announced the newest Lupus Mechanisms and Targets Award grant recipients. The winning four projects collectively test potential treatment approaches to prevent lupus from developing […]

Lupus Research Alliance Announces Recipients of 2023 Diversity in Lupus Research Awards

NEW YORK, NY. July 12, 2023. The Lupus Research Alliance is pleased to announce the 2023 recipients of the Career Development and Postdoctoral Awards to Promote Diversity in Lupus Research. The Diversity in Lupus Research Awards aim to foster the development of outstanding, underrepresented minority scientists and establish a diverse community of researchers and clinicians […]

LRA Highlights Full Continuum of Lupus Research at ACR Convergence 2020

30+ presentations of studies funded by the Lupus Research Alliance on a variety of immune pathways Results from three clinical studies conducted in part by LRA-affiliate Lupus Therapeutics (LT) through its trials network 10 lupus presentations by the Accelerating Medicines Partnership Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) and Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) program (AMP RA/SLE) NEW YORK, NY, […]

Low-Dose Chemotherapy May Help Lupus Nephritis

February 22, 2021 In a recent study published in Arthritis & Rheumatology, LRA-funded researcher Dr. Xian Zhang found that a low dose of the chemotherapy drug topotecan reduced the inflammation and kidney damage of lupus nephritis in mice with lupus. Topotecan was as effective as high doses of cyclophosphamide, another chemotherapy that’s currently used to […]

LRA Highlights Groundbreaking Lupus Research at ACR Convergence 2023

This information is brought to you by the Lupus Research Alliance and Lupus Therapeutics and is not sponsored by, nor a part of, the American College of Rheumatology.  30+ presentations of studies funded by the LRA spanning a broad spectrum of research areas Positive results from Phase 2/3 clinical studies supported by LRA affiliate Lupus Therapeutics point to […]
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