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You searched for: lupus nephritis
Results found: 176

LRA Announces Inaugural Awards Promoting Diversity in Lupus Research

NEW YORK, NY, June 9, 2022. The Lupus Research Alliance (LRA), the world’s leading private funder of lupus research, today announced inaugural recipients of Career Development and Postdoctoral Awards to Promote Diversity in Lupus Research. The Diversity in Lupus Research Award funding mechanisms aim to address underrepresentation of minorities in the scientific research profession. Lupus […]

2018 Distinguished Innovator Awardees Named by Lupus Research Alliance

NEW YORK, NY. December 20. The Lupus Research Alliance is proud to announce the 2018 recipients of the Dr. William E. Paul Distinguished Innovator Award in Lupus and Autoimmunity: Nir Hacohen, PhD (right) and Vijay Kuchroo, DVM, PhD (left). Dr. Hacohen is seeking better ways to treat lupus kidney disease, the major cause of illness and […]

Promising New Lupus Treatments Highlighted ACR Annual Meeting

Results of clinical trials testing potential lupus treatments were highlighted at the American College of Rheumatology’s annual meeting ACR Convergence 2020. These studies include phase I trials, which test for side effects and a safe dosage; larger phase II trials, which test for effectiveness and further gauge safety; and large phase III trials, which confirm […]

New Treatment Approaches Supported by LRA Were Highlighted at LUPUS 2019

April 11, 2019 The bacteria that cause urinary tract infections may trigger lupus flares, a former Alzheimer’s disease therapy has shown promising results in research models—these are just some of the findings presented by Lupus Research Alliance-funded scientists at the 13th International Congress on Systematic Lupus Erythematosus (LUPUS 2019), held in San Francisco. Here are […]

Lupus Research Alliance Welcomes Voclosporin Trial Results

First Promising Phase II Data in Lupus Nephritis NEW YORK, NY — The Lupus Research Alliance congratulates Aurinia Pharmaceuticals on achieving the first positive Phase II study of a greatly needed potential treatment for lupus nephritis. Up to 60% of people with lupus develop lupus nephritis, a devastating complication that can cause kidney failure and […]

Re-engineering Immune Cells Opens Door to Promising Therapy for Lupus Kidney Inflammation

Research Published in Nature Communications and Funded in Part by the Lupus Research Alliance Could Correct a Defect in Lupus NEW YORK, NY.  February 6.  Research featured in Nature Communications highlights a novel approach that re-engineers a person’s own immune cells to suppress the overactive immune system that occurs in lupus nephritis, a serious and potentially […]
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