Lupus Research Alliance News
Empire State Building Lights Up for Lupus

Nov. 21, 2017. The Empire State Building lit up purple and red last night in honor of the Lupus Research Alliance and our Lupus Breaking Through Gala that celebrates the power of science! The beacon of hope shone bright for the lupus community, raising awareness of the disease and the critical importance of lupus research. […] READ MORE

Lupus Research Alliance Sponsors the 2017 Forum For Discovery: Frontiers in Immune Regulation

LUPUS RESEARCH ALLIANCE SPONSORS THE 2017 FORUM FOR DISCOVERY: FRONTIERS IN IMMUNE REGULATION Visionary Scientists and Industry Leaders Report on Promising Advances and Future Directions in Lupus Research Nov. 16, 2017.  Last month, 150 dedicated research scientists, pharmaceutical industry representatives, and Lupus Research Alliance advocates met in New York City at the 2017 Forum for […] READ MORE

STELARA® Shows Positive Results

STELARA® (Ustekinumab) Shows Positive Results in Treatment of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus in Phase 2 Trial   60 percent of patients receiving STELARA® showed significant reductions in lupus disease activity vs. 31 percent of patients receiving placebo STELARA® showed significant improvements in various disease measures compared with placebo, including musculoskeletal, mucocutaneous, immunological markers and flares Janssen […] READ MORE

New York City Walk Kick-off Scored High — Together

Aug. 8, 2017 The New York City Area lupus community came together full force to get the Lupus Research Alliance October 14th Walk with Us to Cure Lupus off to a running start. The fabulous Advancing Lupus Care Through Vital Medical Research event held at iHeart Media headquarters started with cocktails and hors d’oeuvres followed […] READ MORE

Congratulations to Our Lupus Advocates

Your Hard Work is Working for Lupus Research Millions in funding specifically for lupus research – championed throughout the year by the Lupus Research Alliance and lupus advocates nationwide — were allocated in the budget passed today by the U.S. House of Representatives Appropriations Committee! The appropriations bill provides an additional $5 million for the […] READ MORE

2017 Lupus Insight Prize Presented to Dr. Virginia Pascual

Funds Major Study of Lupus Biomarkers to Predict Flares The 2017 Lupus Insight Prize was awarded on June 15th to Virginia Pascual, MD for a project that shows great promise in understanding the events leading to lupus flares. Dr. Pascual was recently named Founding Director of the Gale and Ira Drukier Institute for Children’s Health […] READ MORE

The Who, What, Why’s of Lupus

Three lupus experts from Jacobi Medical Center answered these common questions at an educational seminar co-sponsored by the Lupus Research Alliance. Who gets which tests and what do they mean? What can you do to take better care of your skin? Why are you taking each of your medications? Decoding Your Lab Results Asena Bahce-Altuntas, […] READ MORE

Advancing Lupus Care Through Research and Advocacy Conference

The First Collaborative Conference a Great Success The Lupus Research Alliance and Lupus Foundation New England recently co-hosted the Advancing Lupus Care Through Research and Advocacy Conference in Boston. This was the first joint event for the newly merged Lupus Research Alliance, and its success demonstrates the strength of collaboration! Attendees left with hope for […] READ MORE

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