Updates and Events
Looking at Iron as a Trigger for Lupus Nephritis

As the provider of life-giving oxygen to organ systems through its role in red blood cell production — the health benefits of iron are tremendous. This essential element is vital for proper growth throughout the body and for robust cellular health. But what happens when a good thing goes bad, and iron makes cells die? […] READ MORE

Research Shows Helping Others Helps You

November 7, 2018 Study results presented at the American College of Rheumatology provided scientific evidence for what we all intuitively know –supporting other people helps the giver too. An evaluation was conducted with counselors participating in a national toll-free phone peer counseling service hosted by the Hospital for Special Surgery. It assessed how their role […] READ MORE

Thank You Team Life Without Lupus!

Big thanks go to our 13 Team Life Without Lupus members who ran 26.2 miles November 4 through all five boroughs in the TCS New York City Marathon to raise nearly $40,000 for lupus research. Five runners have lupus!  Seven were running on behalf of loved ones to raise funds so the Lupus Research Alliance […] READ MORE

Recognizing Remission in Lupus

October 30, 2018 Researchers are trying to ascertain the important issue in SLE of how much improvement in disease activity patients must show to decrease the long-term rate of organ damage.  Four studies presented at ACR by Drs. Eric Morand and Michelle Petri addressed that important question. Favorable Results for “Easier” Remission Target Three studies […] READ MORE

Promising Results from AMP

October 30, 2018 The Lupus Research Alliance is one of the sponsors of the Accelerating Medicines Partnership in Rheumatoid Arthritis and Lupus (AMP RA/Lupus), a public-private partnership between the National Institutes of Health, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and several pharmaceutical companies and nonprofit organizations.  AMP aims to speed the development of new therapies, […] READ MORE

Lupus Research Alliance-Funded Researchers Present Discoveries at ACR

October 29, 2018 More than 70 researchers who have received funding from the Lupus Research Alliance contributed to the scientific dialogue on lupus at the ACR|ARHP meeting this year. Following are highlights of specific discoveries the organization has supported: Tiring Out Rogue Cells Learning from cancer research, a team of scientists led by the inaugural […] READ MORE

ACR|ARHP News on Potential New Lupus Treatments

October 25, 2018 The Lupus Research Alliance was on the ground at the American College of Rheumatology 2018 meeting to bring you the latest news in lupus research and translation.  Several clinical trials showed benefits of potential new treatments for helping people with lupus. Following are summaries of the stand-out results: Ustekinumab (Stelara®) A Phase 2 […] READ MORE

LRA Research Director Presents at ACR Roundtable

October 22, 2018 Our Research Director, Dr. Teodora Staeva, presented at the “Meet the Funders: NIH & Foundation Roundtable Grant Discussion” October 22 at the American College of Rheumatology (ACR) annual meeting. Dr. Staeva spoke about the Lupus Research Alliance many grant programs available to scientists including the  Target Identification in Lupus, Novel Research Grant, Analysis of Lupus […] READ MORE

Congratulations to Our Scientific Advisory Board Co-Chair for Highest ACR Honor

October 22, 2018 Congratulations to our Scientific Advisory Board Co-Chair, Mary K. Crow, MD, for receiving the 2018 Presidential Gold Medal presented by the American College of Rheumatology (ACR) during their Annual Meeting in Chicago. Dr. Crow is Physician-in-Chief at Hospital for Special Surgery (HSS), and Chief of Rheumatology at Weill Cornell Medicine and New York […] READ MORE

Taking Care of Yourself as You Grow Up with Lupus

October 21, 2018 We are excited to participate in a new program at the American College of Rheumatology meeting this year – co-authoring a presentation in the Patient Perspectives session. Diane Gross, National Director of Advocacy and Programs worked with Denita Perry, a young woman living with lupus since her childhood to create a poster […] READ MORE

Our CFO Quoted in Article on Giving

October 19, 2018 The Lupus Research Alliance Chief Financial Officer Debra Rose is quoted in an article in Consumers Advocate about nonprofits  gaining accreditation by impartial organizations such as the BBB Wise Giving Alliance (WGA). BBB Wise Giving Alliance “is dedicated to evaluating national charities and reporting on their practices. Just as the Better Business Bureau focuses […] READ MORE

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